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Steps to Take Before Moving to West Virginia

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Steps to Take Before Moving to West Virginia

Moving to a new state can be exciting, yet nerve-racking. The packing process alone can be chaotic, and when you add the stress of leaving friends, family, and your job behind, you can easily forget to do seemingly small things like transferring your medication.

If you are planning a big move, keep reading to ensure you don’t forget to follow any important relocation steps.

Adjust for The Weather

If you are moving from a state that primarily experiences one season, you are in for a treat because West Virginia experiences the best of all four seasons.

You can adjust for the weather by making sure you have a climate-appropriate wardrobe and season-specific tools like a snow scraper for your car or a sunshade for your car’s windshield. Some Additional examples include winter coats, hats, gloves, summer shorts, shirts, sunscreen, light jackets, a snow shovel, and an emergency kit in case you get stuck in the snow.

Research the Area

Before moving, you should research the area you are relocating to.

You want to know about the neighborhood’s crime level, if offenders live near your new home, and where certain places are located. For example, you should find the location of grocery and retail stores, hospitals, libraries, gas stations, parks, gyms, and pharmacies.

If you are accepting a new job in West Virginia, researching the area will help you determine your commute time, route, and what traffic to expect.

Transfer Your Medical Care or Medications

When you move to another state, you’re going to want your medications and medical care to come with you.

When it comes to doctors, you will likely have to find a new one unless they provide virtual appointments. Transferring medication is typically an easier process.

Before the move, call your pharmacy to let them know where you are moving and the pharmacist will handle the rest. However, transferring medication does get tricky with marijuana prescriptions. You will likely have to meet with a new marijuana doctor and apply for a new card. You can make the process easier by visiting and applying for a card online.

Change Your Address

Many people forget that when they change their address physically, they have to do it digitally as well.

Right around the time of your move, you should change the address on all of your accounts. This includes Amazon, insurance, phone carriers, and other bills. You should also alert your bank of the move, otherwise when you use your card for the first time in West Virginia, they may place a hold on your account due to suspected fraud.

One of the most important address changes will be with your local post office. Go to the post office and fill out a change of address form. This will let the office know to forward all of your incoming mail to your new address for about a month. This gives you enough time to change the address on accounts you may have forgotten about.

Look Into Schools and Daycare

If you have little ones at home or plan on having kids in the future, you should into school and daycare options. Unfortunately, not all schools are made equal and some may be slacking, even in the “best” neighborhoods.

You can start by visiting On this site, you can see the school’s overall ranking, diversity, student count, and average subject scores. Unfortunately, daycares do not have a similar search engine so you will have to do your research on Google and by asking around. You can ask around by joining West Virginia neighborhood groups on Facebook and asking the public their opinions.

Research Licensing and Registration Laws

For the most part, the rules of the road do not change much from state to state. However, the laws regarding licensing and registration might.

When moving to West Virginia, drivers have 30 days to transfer their licenses and register their vehicles. West Virginia also has a few added licensing steps that may not be required in other states. For example, you must pass an alcohol awareness course. Additionally, vehicle owners are required to pass a routine safety inspection every twelve months.

Another type of licensing you shouldn’t forget about is your pet license. In West Virginia, all cats and dogs must be licensed, so if you are bringing a fur baby to WV, stop at the County Assessor’s Office for official tags.

Transfer Your Utilities

Lastly, you don’t want to forget to transfer your utilities to your new home.

It is best to have your utilities connected within a week of your move-in date, and you should schedule the connection early to avoid delay. You should also have cable and internet set up before moving in.

If you have a landlord or loved one in the area, or you are working with a real estate agent, they can provide access to the home if necessary.