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How Long Does a Whole House Reverse Osmosis System Last?

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How Long Does a Whole House Reverse Osmosis System Last?

Many years ago, we bought a home, we lived in a home, and we sold a home. Now, American homeowners are taking control of what happens during their time in properties – they don’t just accept what happens. You might be wondering what on Earth we’re talking about – well, for one thing, the water supply. Rather than accepting what comes in, many are spending their money on filtration systems.

What’s All the Fuss?

There’s not just one benefit of a filtration system or a reverse osmosis system. Ever heard about the gross tastes and contaminants that can exist in water? Well, the job of a filtration system is to make water smell and taste amazing…well, if not amazing, then at least better. With super-clever technology, they also reduce the risk of ingesting unhealthy chemicals or bacteria.

As well as taste and safety benefits, you can also save your money. Don’t you want more money to spend on dates with loved ones, experiences, and other fun things rather than just boring bills? With all the efficiency these systems provide, you’ll reduce your water bills at the same time as reducing the required maintenance for the systems in your home.

What’s the Science?

Often, people question whether systems of this nature really work. The answer is yes. Reverse osmosis systems work by using a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities from your water supply – they’re not just for show. This membrane has tiny pores, too small for most contaminants and chemicals to pass through, leaving you with clean and safe drinking water.

How Long Does It Last?

Great question – nobody wants to invest in something for their home only for it to break one month later. Brand, brand, brand – this is the first thing to remember. Every brand is different, so there’s no universal answer. Yet, there’s no reason you can’t get ten years from a filtration system. Just remember that you’ll need to put in some maintenance to keep the system going as you pass important milestones in your life.

There are other factors to remember too. If you love a ‘safety first’ approach (we appreciate people like you!), get your Kinetico whole house reverse osmosis system inspected and serviced every so often to keep it running efficiently.

Location – People in one area of the United States won’t get the same life from a system as in another area. If you live in a particularly hard water area (we know all about your struggles and we feel for you!), your filters will need cleaning and changing more frequently than if you lived somewhere with softer water. In case you didn’t know, higher levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium are in hard water. This is a worry for panic because it will quickly clog up your filters and reduce the effectiveness of your system.

Usage – As with any appliance, the amount of use it gets will affect its life expectancy. Wear and tear is more likely if you have family members constantly running around the house using various different faucets and appliances. Regular maintenance will ensure that your system runs smoothly and efficiently, keeping your water clean for as long as possible, through all the trials and tribulations of family emergencies, whether it’s a slip in the mud and a desperate need to clean dirty clothes, cleaning up a grazed knee after a fall, or anything else.

Environment – Depending on the environment in which you live, the type of water supplied to your home may differ. If you live in an area with a high level of pollution or you’re close to an industrial area, this could affect the quality of your water supply and the efficacy of your reverse osmosis system. Therefore, it’s important to have an experienced professional inspect your system regularly to maintain its performance.