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How Do You Take Care of Yourself if You Have COVID-19?

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How Do You Take Care of Yourself if You Have COVID-19?

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm as this virus resulted in devastating years of quarantine and borders closing, which eventually caused a pandemic. Although the world has found a vaccine for COVID-19, there’s still no cure. However, you can take care of yourself in several ways if you’re tested positive for this viral infection. To help you, here are the things you should remember.

Learn the Emergency Warning Signs and Symptoms

The best way to take care of yourself before the symptoms worsen is to identify the symptoms of COVID-19 early on. The primary signs are the following:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or feeling pressure in the chest
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Fatigue
  • Body Aches
  • Headaches
  • Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, nail beds, or lips (depending on skin tone)

You can purchase a home pulse oximeter as another addition to your emergency kit, which can be helpful in severe illnesses like COVID-19. This small device is attached to your finger to check your breathing by measuring how much oxygen is in the blood. If it reads less than 92%, you might need to stay in the hospital.

Additionally, if the symptoms above accompany a cough, it’s best to check with your healthcare provider for the Best cough medicine for COVID to relieve the pain. However, if symptoms persist, call 911 or your local emergency number.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

If you start to notice the signs, secure your water supply and keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids to replace the lost fluids from the fever. Also, the COVID-19 virus can cause a scratchy throat, and drinking water can help ease the pain.

You can alternate your fluids with soup, hot tea with lemon, or fruit juice. Keep clear from fluids with caffeine to keep your urine clear. If you have any kidney, liver, or heart diseases, check with your healthcare provider if it’s okay for you to drink an increasing amount of fluids.

Drink Medicines to Reduce Fever

The COVID-19 symptoms include fever or chills, which can last up to a week or more, though some individuals only experience it for a few days. Keep in mind that if high fevers linger, it can cause febrile seizures, brain damage, or even death. That’s why you must drink your medicines for fever to decrease this symptom of COVID-19.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, like Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin, are usually advised. Ensure you read and follow the instructions attached to these medicines precisely. Aside from controlling the fever, these can also help ease body aches.

Rest as Much as You Can

Resting as much as you can if you have COVID-19 is essential. This is because rest gives your body and your immune system the chance to fight off the infection. There’s no definite guidance on how long someone should stay rested, but as long as you’re still recovering from COVID, you must get as much rest as possible.

Stay away from high-intensity exercise for a few weeks and prevent yourself from pushing through fatigue. This means staying away from stressful work, or at least until you fully recover.

Don’t Share Items with Your Family

COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease, and even a splash of bodily fluid from a positive patient can quickly transfer the disease. So, as a precaution, avoid contact with people and pets in your home as much as possible. Maintain at least six feet of social distancing and always wear your face mask around others.

Most importantly, don’t share your items with your family. This is also the same with beddings, dishes, utensils, towels, or drinking containers. After you use these items, it’s best to wash them in hot water to ensure they are free from the virus.

Prepare the Isolation Place

If you manifest signs and symptoms of COVID-19, it’s best to isolate yourself from your pets and family members immediately. Limit your contact with them as soon as possible to protect them. Stay in a separate bedroom or place until you have recovered.

As mentioned, please don’t share your household items with them, and always clean your area. Disinfect the place with household cleaners and disinfectant wipes or sprays. Clean everything your hand touches, including phones, doorknobs, and more.

As you prepare the isolation place, ensure you can access handwashing and hand-hygiene supplies nearby. Always stock the sink area with the supplies and alcohol-based hand rub. Also, your place or room must have adequate ventilation and remind your family members that you’re in isolation.

It would be better to remove the non-essential furniture from your isolation room so that it’s easier to clean and won’t contain dirt or moisture that could worsen your condition. Aside from that, keep appropriate waste bags in a touch-free bin so that they’re easier to dispose of.

Final Thoughts

COVID-19 is a hard illness to fight off. Fortunately, vaccines are now available to help people prevent this disease. However, if there’s a chance you get caught in COVID, you should keep calm and contact your healthcare provider. Then, steadily prepare your isolation area and remember the things mentioned above.